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Design Sketching

I use sketching throughout the design process to generate and communicate my ideas. I primarily sketch digitally, generally using Autodesk Sketchbook. I find that this allows me to iterate quicker and produce more detailed, refined design concepts than with hand sketching. I use the sketch pages to produce design concept boards which can be shown to clients for feedback and eventual approval. 

Major Project - Commuter E-bike Sketchwork

bike sketch work.png

18V Drill/Assistive Cutlery Sketch Pages

sketch 1.png

Coffee Cart Sketch Pages  

These pages show some sketchwork I did for a pedal-powered coffee vendor van. It was a group project, and I was responsible for frame design. These pages show my development of a handbrake (1), a casing to hide the battery (2), and general frame design (3). 




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